About Dawn R. Rivers

Authored 2 articles.

Dawn R. Rivers, an award-winning small business journalist, regularly reports and analyzes small business policy and research as the publisher of the MicroEnterprise Journal. She also publishes research at the Microbusiness Research Institute and she blogs at The MicroEnterprise Journal Blog.


  • Do Small Business Lending Programs Work?

    Features, July 08, 2013

    You gotta love the Government Accountability Office (GAO). Their job is to do the research requested by Congress or written into legislation in order to makes sure that government programs are doing what they are supposed to be doing. The GAO was just doing its job when it recently released a report on the implementation of a couple of new Treasury Department small business lending programs created through the Small business Jobs Act of 2010. The finding were so-so.

  • Fiscal Cliff Deal Offers Minimal Benefit To Microbusinesses

    Features, January 07, 2013

    There was a certain amount of unusually undignified jumping up and down and yelling about looming fiscal cliffs during the last month of last year, and with good reason. The deal that the President and Congress put together to force each other to deal with expiring tax cuts at the beginning of this year seemed like a strategy that was doomed to failure.