Valdosta Chamber Silver Stars Program: Connecting Valdosta's Retirees

Tuesday, October 16th, 2012

Wanda Stanley, Director of Communications and Triple Crown Hometowns of the Valdosta Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce, talks about the Triple Crown Program and Silver Star benefits.


Hi there, I'm Wanda Stanley, Director of Communications and Triple Crown Hometowns of the Valdosta Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce. As we enter in our 100th anniversary for the Chamber of Commerce we are offering a special invitation for our active retirees to join in an elite group and it's called the Chamber Silver Stars. We wanted to offer this elite group a chance to join the Chamber and stay active in the community because they were so active when they were working as a lawyer or a doctor or whatever their profession was and when they retired they wanted to stay active and stay in the community and stay abreast of what was going on. So we are offering this program and it's called the Chamber Silver Stars.

You can join as a couple and it is $100 for the year. As a Chamber Silver Star you get so many benefits. You get invited to over 25 events throughout the year. You get invited to events like Business Afterhours, the state and federal luncheons, the Chamber business showcase, Chamber 101. You get the Progress Magazine, the Georgia Trend Magazine, the Community Link Magazine. You get invited to the Triple Crown Hometown's lunches. You get invited to the Triple Crown Hometown's travel events and you get to travel with other retirees.

We have over 352 households active now in the Triple Crown Hometown's program that you can join and get involved with them. There are so many benefits becoming a Chamber Silver Star that you can just be involved with community and stay abreast with what was going on. So if you want to know what's going on in the community, if you like to read the Georgia Trend Magazine, if you like to travel this is a great program to be part of and we often hear that Valdosta is the greatest place to retire and it is. We have warm climate. We have friendly people. We have a great community and our Chamber values our retirees so much and we want them to join the Chamber and become a part of our Chamber and enjoy what it has to offer because we value them so much.

So if you want more information please contact the Chamber at or call 229-247-8100.

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