Curt Fowler: Create Clarity to Achieve Alignment

Curt Fowler

Wednesday, July 18th, 2018

“All things are created twice. First mentally, then physically. The key to creativity is to begin with the end in mind.” – Stephen Covey

Most leaders know they need their teams aligned to achieve outstanding results. We instinctively know that having every member of our team rowing in the same direction will yield far better outcomes.

Our problem is that what we think is clear might be clear only to us. Leadership must “define the win” with extreme clarity and simplicity. Leaders must get used to “re-casting” this simple vision every chance they get. 

Why? Vision leaks. Your team has a million things to think about and are used to hearing ideas or visions that were never implemented. 

They will ignore or dismiss the vision until they have heard it multiple times. Eventually, you will convince them that you are sticking to the plan and are going to hold them accountable for their part.

Be patient. Remember that in marketing it takes seven to 12 touches before a prospective client will even remember you. Your team members are your prospective clients. Repetition is required.

What do you need to create this clear vision? You and everyone on your team must be able to answer the following five questions.

Why do we exist? 

This is your purpose or your why. It is the altruistic reason you exist beyond making money. Your purpose is the problem your organization is meant to solve.

How do we act?

How your organization behaves is defined by your core values. Use your core values to encourage great behavior and end poor behavior. Employ your core values to hire, fire and promote.

Core values drive your culture and your culture drives your brand. Customers pay more to do business with brands they love. Great employees flock to great cultures that share their values. Core values are the solution to multiple problems.

How will we win? 

This is your competitive advantage. This is how you will deliver more value to your core customers than anyone else by leveraging and improving your resources. Your resources include your people, locations, assets, intellectual property, culture and systems – to name a few.

The key is to create focus by concentrating on your core customers. Those customers who love what you do and who you love serving. Your core customers drive your economic engine and you can serve better than anyone else.

What is the win, how will we

achieve it?

This is your vision for the future of your organization. Your inspiring destination. This is your goal to be at a specific place in the future. Vision is about goal setting more than wordsmithing. Wordsmithing can come later. Focus on the goals for now.

Define your vision from the perspectives of your customers, employees, shareholders and the communities you work in. Your vision must be specific, measurable and have a due date. Goals without deadlines are dreams.

How will you leverage your competitive advantages to achieve your vision? Define your vision as far out as you can see. If it is a five-year vision, what does the win look like at three years? In 12 months? What is a win at six months, three months and in 30 days?

What is most important

right now?

Everyone on your team will spend approximately 80 percent of their working hours on what I call their day job. This is the day-to-day execution that is required to run the business. At most, your team can allocate 20 percent of their time to working on the business, rather than in it. Your people need to know exactly what do when some of that 20 percent becomes available.

This is where 90-day strategic sprints are pivotal. Every 90 days the team must redefine the vital few objectives that are most important to achieving the vision. The team must all agree on the definition of the win and who will deliver it.

As the leader, your job is to answer each of these five questions and put the answers in writing. You then write and speak about the answers constantly. You over communicate until your team can finish your sentences. You then hold yourself and everyone on your team responsible for delivering on your 90-day vital few objectives.

Reassess your answers to these questions every 90 days and your organization will be aligned. Everyone will be rowing in the same direction and you will accomplish more than you thought possible!