VFD Graduates 20 from Citizens Fire Academy

Staff Report From Valdosta CEO

Friday, October 30th, 2015

After nine weeks of being behind the scenes with the Valdosta Fire Department, 20 citizens graduated from the VFD Citizens Fire Academy, on Oct. 27. The program, in its second year, is designed to educate citizens and the business community about the services provided by the VFD, increase fire and life-safety awareness, and establish a community partnership.
Graduates of the program are: Ricky Stewart, Carl Horst, David Hanna, April Stokes, Stanley and Bonnie Rumphol, Edward Mobley, Tefe Stone, DeShonda Jenkins, Juan Chow Kai, Roy Hall, James and Shirley Garland, Vivian Miller-Cody, Mikki Hudson, Gerald Martin, Marge Williams, Tina Riggins, Janice Hancock and Mickey Williamson.
“I appreciate the men and women of the Valdosta Fire Department for their training and dedication and for all that is required of them on a daily basis to protect the citizens of our community,” said Edward Mobley, Middle School Special Education Teacher at Horizons Academy. “As a result of the past nine weeks in the Valdosta Citizens Fire Academy, I can honestly say that I’m more informed about how my tax dollars are being utilized, and I have a deeper appreciation for these courageous public servants. I highly recommend the program to all citizens of Valdosta and Lowndes County.”
Each Tuesday night since the beginning of September, participants were exposed to all aspects of the department’s operations. Among a number of activities, they witnessed demonstrations on search and rescue, extrication, and fire prevention; participated in the VFD’s Ride-Along Program, a live burn, high-angle rescue, and how firefighters’ personal protective equipment works; visited to the 911 Center and VFD Training Center; and all received their CPR certifications.
“I commend the 2015 Citizens Fire Academy graduates for their time and commitment to the program, but I am most impressed by their genuine interests in the mission of the Valdosta Fire Department and its life-saving impact on our citizens,” said Valdosta Fire Chief Freddie Broome.  “These men and women are exemplary citizens who understand the value of being intricately informed about their local government.  I look forward to seeing how they will use the knowledge they’ve gained to make a difference in our community.”