Excellence Effect Teaches Goal-Setting to Bring About Balance

Miranda Moore

Wednesday, October 8th, 2014

For many Americans, the typical “40-hour work week” is nothing more than a myth. In reality, Americans tend to work 10-12 hours more per week than other countries, but are these extra hours paying off? In most cases, no. While Americans tend to work more than almost every other country, the productivity of the American work force is steadily decreasing. Over seventy-one percent of workers are disengaged at work, having emotionally disconnected themselves from their workplace, thereby decreasing the likelihood of accomplishing professional goals or being productive.

According to The Atlantic, American workers spend more than a third of their day (8.8 hours) at work and almost another third (7.6 hours) sleeping. The remaining third is divided among leisure activities (2.5 hours), household duties (1.1 hours), eating (1.1 hours), spending time with children (1.2 hours), and miscellaneous activities like paying bills and tending to personal hygiene (1.7 hours). These statistics point out that many parents are spending almost as little time with their children each day as they do eating or cleaning the house. It seems there may be some truth to the old adage, “There just aren’t enough hours in the day.”

If you’ve found yourself wondering if it is possible to be balanced both personally and professionally, there is hope. The Valdosta-Lowndes Chamber and Tom Ziglar, CEO of the Zig Ziglar Corporation and son of the late Zig Ziglar, will partner with Justin Young, a certified Ziglar Legacy Instructor to present “The Excellence Effect: Living a Life of Excellence Through Goal Setting and Achievement.” This seminar will introduce tried and true Ziglar practices aimed to help participants free up 4-10 extra hours per week without sacrificing productivity and performance.

On Tuesday, Oct. 28 from 8:30-11:30 a.m. at the Rainwater Conference Center, Ziglar and Young will discuss the importance of organized goal setting and achievement. According to Young, attendees will “experience happier, healthier home lives that will make their professional lives much more successful, increase profitability while adding balance and peace of mind, and develop clarity in their decision making.” He also assures that participants will “have a clearer focus and learn to optimize their resources, becoming able to swiftly and successfully achieve goals that previously seemed unattainable.”

Immediately following the seminar, Ziglar will share some of his father’s personal leadership secrets over a luncheon for 20 VIP guests. The message will focus on his father’s most noted philosophy: “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

For more information or to register for “The Excellence Effect: Living a Life of Excellence Through Goal Setting and Achievement,” visit www.valdostachamber.com or contact Miranda Moore at the Chamber at (229) 247-8100 ext. 231.