EPA Names Georgia Power ENERGY STAR Campaign National Pledge Leader

Press release from the issuing company

Friday, May 30th, 2014

For the third consecutive year, Georgia Power has been named the overall national pledge leader by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in recognition of the company's efforts to encourage customers to save money and energy during the 2013 "Change the World, Start with ENERGY STAR®" campaign.  The campaign, presented annually by the EPA, encourages consumers to take small steps, such as replacing incandescent bulbs with high efficiency, ENERGY STAR certified bulbs and using programmable thermostats, to save energy and help the environment.

According to the EPA's ENERGY STAR website, Georgia Power's role in the 2013 campaign resulted in more than 480 million saved kilowatt-hours and energy cost savings of nearly $67 million.

"Georgia Power places a tremendous focus on helping our customers save money and energy through various energy efficiency initiatives including the pledge campaign and rebates and incentives for homes and businesses," said Michele Wagner, energy efficiency director for Georgia Power. "This annual campaign is one of the most visible and impactful ways we connect with our customers and bring our energy efficiency programs to local communities across the state."

The company first joined the pledge campaign in 2006 and has since distributed more than 965,000 compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in exchange for energy efficiency pledges from customers.  Last year alone, Georgia Power hosted more than 240 individual events spanning the state, including the Ellijay Apple Festival, Georgia College's EarthFest Week and the first day of class at the University of North Georgia.  Most recently, the company presented 30 events statewide during Earth Month in April and will continue to host local events throughout 2014.

In addition to visiting a local business office or attending a community event, Georgia Power encourages customers to take the ENERGY STAR pledge online at www.GeorgiaPower.com. While at the website, customers can also learn more about dozens of other programs and resources available to help them save money and energy.