Wiregrass Tech Recognized for High School Outreach

Press release from the issuing company

Tuesday, March 27th, 2012

Wiregrass Georgia Technical College faculty, staff, and administrators were recently honored at the Technical College System of Georgia's 2012 High School Initiatives Award Ceremony. 

Georgia's technical colleges offer several early college enrollment programs to current high schools students through the High School Initiatives program. High school students have the option to participate in ACCEL, dual enrollment, joint enrollment, or Move on When Ready programs, also known as College Credit Now programs, offered through their local technical college.

Wiregrass Georgia Tech was recognized in multiple areas for the work being done to provide these educational opportunities to local area high schools and their students. 

Wiregrass was awarded the 2012 Dual Enrollment Alliance Award for their collaborations with area high schools to advance College Credit Now opportunities.

Carolyn Grant, a certified nursing assistant instructor, was awarded the 2012 Dual Enrollment Instructor Service Award for her years of service as a dual enrollment instructor. Mrs. Grant has been teaching high school students through Wiregrass's dual enrollment programs since 2005. During this time, she has taught 70 high school classes and 951 students through those classes.

Quita Jones, high schools services coordinator, was awarded the 2012 High School Initiatives Leadership Award for her contribution to promoting high school initiatives and early enrollment.  Mrs. Jones works with Brooks, Berrien, Cook, Echols, Lanier, and Lowndes County high school programs.

In addition to the awards received by the college, the Ben Hill County School System was awarded the 2012 Dual Enrollment Partnership Award. This award was given in recognition of the strong partnership they have with Wiregrass to provide early college enrollment programs to their students.

Dr. Ray Perren, president of Wiregrass Georgia Tech, was also recognized for his strong support of high school initiatives.

 "We are thankful for our high school partners," stated Dr. Perren.  "We are grateful for the recognition our high school initiatives efforts are receiving from the state. Technical college-high school dual enrollment programs make a tremendous difference for our young people. We hope to strengthen our dual enrollment efforts in the future. I appreciate the efforts of Carolyn Grant, Quita Jones and the dozens of others from our college involved with supporting our high school dual enrollment programs."

Wiregrass provides high school initiative programs to eleven counties and their school systems. Studies show that well over 92% of high school students who participate in dual enrollment programs with a technical college go on to graduate from high school. The college currently has over 300 high school students participating in one of the early college enrollment options.

 If you are interested in learning more about the high school initiative programs through Wiregrass Georgia Technical College, please contact Andrea Fletcher at 468-2029, or Quita Jones at 333-2100 ext. 3013.