Valdosta Shared Office Space Continues Downtown Trend

Staff Report From Valdosta CEO

Thursday, September 3rd, 2015

In 2005, Gino Fina renovated the historic Wisenbaker Building, located on the corner of Patterson and West Hill, into professional office space designed especially for start-ups and small businesses.  Today, Valdosta Shared Office Space has housed dozens of businesses that have grown and prospered, with some expanding into larger facilities.

“We love it when companies grow past our ability to house them,” Fina said. “Azalea Health, for example, once started as three brave souls in a tiny office big enough to be occupied by only one person at a time, grew to nine offices, and is now 70 plus people strong, occupying three floors of another building in downtown Valdosta with other offices throughout Georgia.”

A smart alternative to the traditional office setting, Valdosta SOS provides high-tech, functional space and professional amenities that include VoIP phone service, Internet access, conference facilities, 24/7 access, and security monitoring.

Current tenants represent a variety of professions and services including legal, corporate employment, healthcare, software development, real estate, publishing, concierge and travel, student tutoring, credit card processing, foundation repair, and a faith-based community outreach program.

Valdosta SOS tenants benefit from the synergy and business climate found in the downtown area.

“Often the downtown district is collectively the community's largest employer, even in small commercial districts,” said Fina. “As a reflection of the community, our pride, image, prosperity and level of investment are critical to recruitment and retention efforts. The stable economic foundation that downtown contributes has direct ties to the surrounding community. Downtown offers more than government and financial district jobs; it's also a special event and celebration center that reinforces the sense of community.”

Locating a business in downtown Valdosta can also provide a tax incentive. The Georgia Department of Community Affairs has designated the downtown area of Valdosta as an Opportunity Zone. New or existing businesses located in this area that create two or more jobs can receive a tax credit up to $3,500 per new Georgia job.