How to Build Your Email Marketing List

Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

Anne Shenton, marketing director with Nexxtep Technology Services in Valdosta, talks about email marketing and ways you can build a email list to help your business grow.


Hi my name is Anne Shenton, and I’m the Marketing Director for Nexxtep Technology Services.  Today I’m going to talk to you guys about email marketing.  A lot of times when we engage with a client or prospect, one of the questions that they have is, “How can I build my email list?”  And there are really dozens of things that you can do to build your email list, but today I’m just going to go through five quick things.  The first thing you can do is promote your email list offline. 

So you can use things like your invoices, your newsletters, or other print notifications that you send out to your customers or prospects.  And put a little blurb about your email list on those items.  Just make sure that you put a link to where they can sign up to your email list, and a little bit of information about what’s in it for them.  So if it’s interesting articles, or funny videos, or special coupons, make sure that you mention and try to illustrate the benefits and give them an incentive to go to your website and sign up for your email list. 

A second thing you can do is use QR codes.  If you’ve been in Home Depot or Lowes lately, you’ve probably seen the little square codes on some of the products sheets.  You can create those yourself absolutely free at a website like, and there are other websites like that out there too.  It just takes a few seconds to pop in the URL for your email signup sheet, and then you can insert those onto your printed materials and have your users sign up that way. 

A third thing you can do is promote an e-book or a white paper that illustrates some benefit to your customers or your potential customers.  An example of this might be if you’re an architecture firm you could put out an architectural guide.  This will be adventurous to your target audience.  You could put things in there like the different design phases.  You could put information about how architects build their clients.  You could also put information about other consultants that your customers might need to consider during the process.  You can just kind of think of this like a transaction.  Instead of selling this book for money, you’re selling it in exchange for the contact information and the email address of the subscriber.  That’s another way you can get email subscribers. 

A fourth way you can get email subscribers is by putting calls to action throughout your website.  That’s not just on your homepage.  You want to give your website users as many opportunities as you can to sign up for your email list.  So you can put sign up forms and buttons throughout your website to get them to sign up that way. 

Finally, a last thing you can do is if you are producing a video, you can ask for a signup that way, and that’s what I’m about to do right now.  If you go to our website which is you can sign up for our free newsletter.  It’s called Weekly Tech Tips, and every week, every Thursday morning you’ll get a business tech tip and a personal tech tip delivered to your inbox.

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