Turner Center’s Presenter Series Final Show a Success

Staff Report

Friday, March 17th, 2023

L-R: Adam Setser (Chair), Lisa Posas, Jane Burgsteiner, Mala Vallotton, Nancy DeRuyter Warren, Chuck Coker (LVAC Board), Marshall Charloff as Prince (vocals, guitar, piano, bass), Jeani Synyard, Chuck Ramsey, Tina Folsom, Sementha Mathews, Ron Long (bass), Cory Eischen (keyboards), Ron Caron (drums), Tracey Blake (guitar). 

The Turner Center’s Presenter Series Committee members partying like it was “1999” at the Purple XPeRIeNCE, featuring Marshall Charloff! It was the final show of the 2022-2023 Presenter Series season, but what an amazing performance by these musicians. The Turner Center thanks all of our faithful sponsors, ticketholders, and committee members for making it a spectacular season. Follow us on social media to keep up with our 2023-2024 season announcements.