SGMC Volunteer Auxiliary Donates $20,000 to Patient Education Improvements
Staff Report From Valdosta CEO
Wednesday, September 27th, 2017
The South Georgia Medical Center Volunteer Auxiliary presented the SGMC Foundation with a $20,000 check at its annual pinning and officer installation luncheon. The gift is ear marked to fund a new patient education system at SGMC which will enhance patient safety and satisfaction.
Auxiliary members, also known as Pink Ladies and Red Coats, volunteer in numerous areas across SGMC campuses. They also assist with fundraisers and community outreach initiatives.
New officers were installed for 2017-2018 as follows: Jan Newton (President), Carolyn King (President Elect), Dot Chambers (Vice President of Programs), Evelyn Harrell (Treasurer), Carol Griffin (Assistant Treasurer), Jurelle Norris (Recording Secretary), Janice Langjan (Corresponding Secretary), and Ora Morrison (Parliamentarian).
Those receiving pins for service included: Alice McDuffie (10,000 hours); Delores Addison (7,000 hours); Shirley Hunt (6,500 hours); Barbara Thomas (5,500 hours); Ellie Bridges (4,000 hours); Mary Young Manning and Cecil Vincent (3,500 hours); Emerida Rodriguez and Daryl Stanfield (2,500 hours); Jane Newton and Melba Powell (1,500 hours); Robert Kelley (1,000 hours); Melanie Ford (700 hours); Carolyn King (900 hours); and Sam Trowell (200 hours).
SGMC Assistant Administrator for Communications and Public Affairs Johnny Ball thanked the group for the positive impact they have on patients, staff and family members.