Restaurant Inspections: Submarina Subs, Betty's Diner
Staff Report From Valdosta CEO
Thursday, August 2nd, 2012
July 26th
Submarina Subs (1703 #A Norman Dr) Score: 96 A
Violations: Tomato slicer observed put up dirty on shelf. Upon entering establishment meat slicer noted with pieces of deli meat.
July 27th
Royal Buffet (3268 Inner Perimeter Rd) Score: 91 A
Violations: Observed numerous raw items being stored over ready to eat items in the walk-in cooler.
July 31st
Betty's Diner (2175 N. Ashley St) Score: 60 F
Violations: Four or more critical risk factors found to be in violation. Certified Food Safety Manager does not demonstrate profienciecy in active mangerial control measures.bserved employee slicing lemons with bare hands. Observed several open employee drinks in food prep areas. Observed corn debris in handwashing sink. Observed 2 compartment sink used for washing and sanitizing dishes with both compartments full of dishes with no sanitizer in either of the compartments. Observed mold inside of ice maker. Observed food containers with old labels not being removed. Observed half and half sitting out on the counter at 76F. Observed several chemical bottles with no labels identifying contents.