Proven Management and Leadership Training Program Comes to South Georgia

Barbara Kieker

Monday, November 10th, 2014

Denise Pope is bringing the Bullet Proof Manager training program from Crestcom to South Georgia. The program offers business management and leadership training over the course of a year in monthly sessions on communications, critical thinking, negotiations and customer service, among other topics. 

"I act as the facilitator of each session. There are videos of internationally recognized authors and speakers as well as group exercises. It's very interactive," Pope said.

Pope’s company, Crestcom International/DSP Premier Business Training, is the Crestcom franchise for South Georgia and Northwest Florida from Tallahassee to Pensacola. According to Pope, she acquired the Crestcom franchise because "I liked the company’s commitment to helping both the employee become more confident and productive and the companies see a positive impact on their bottom line.” 

"Zig Ziglar was one of the first video faculty hired by Crestcom. He said, "You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want." That is what I want our business to be all about, helping others see their worth.” 

A very successful methodology

According to the Crestcom website, "over 20 years, more than 66 percent of Fortune magazine’s "Most Admired Companies" have participated in Bullet Proof Manager training. While Crestcom has large clients such as IBM and P&G, the focus of Crestcom International/DSP Premier Business Training is small- to medium-size businesses. 

"People can join the program at any time during the year. The session for each month always covers the same topic so for example the November session is on productivity," Pope said. 

"Participants create an action plan at the end of each session and put a monetary figure on what they hope to achieve. Then the following month, we start with a debrief on the action plan. This is the accountability factor built in to the program. On average, participants are seeing up to a 600 percent return on the money they invest in the Bullet Proof Manager program.”

Getting started

Crestcom International/DSP Premier Business Training has just started marketing its programs in the area and recently joined the Valdosta-Lowndes County Chamber of Commerce. In addition to offering the full 12-month program, the company can also lead individual workshops on specific topics. 

"We're very flexible and ready to provide whatever customers need. We'd like to introduce companies to our program through an executive overview and we are happy to follow that up with a free two-hour leadership skills workshop – no cost, no obligation," Pope said. 

"I think people will see right away that we are giving them valuable information that they can put to use right away in their business." 

More information on Crestcom and the Bullet Proof Manager program is available at More information on Crestcom International/DSP Premier Business Training is available at

About Barbara Kieker

Barbara Kieker is a freelance writer who writes on business-related topics for a number of web-based properties. She also provides communications services to Fortune 500 corporations, small businesses and nonprofit organizations.