Bush Wealth Management Offers Three Steps for Consistent Investing

Barbara Kieker

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013

Procrastination is the biggest mistake most people make in managing their money, according to Stacy Bush, head of Bush Wealth Management. Not taking action can mean a missed opportunity to grow wealth.

“Many people put off making a robust plan on paper for retirement.  They may think about it a lot but studies show you only do 10 percent of things you think about but about 80 percent of what you put on paper.  That’s why we believe getting a plan on paper is so important,” Bush said.

Based in Valdosta, Bush Wealth Management manages more than $81 million in assets for 215 clients. Stacy Bush opened the fee-based firm in 2004 and has worked in financial planning since 1999. 

“We have three main niches that we serve – agriculture-based families, single women and educators.  I grew up on a peanut farm so agriculture is an area of expertise and enjoyment for me.  In my experience as a financial planner, I’ve seen many women divorced and widowed who have made bad decisions in the midst of these transitions so that’s an area we focus on.  And I just enjoy working with educators; they are smart and humble people,” Bush said.

According to Bush, many people’s psyches were altered in the financial crisis of 2008 in much the same way that the Great Depression affected a generation.  

“I have the same conversation three or four times a day with people who feel in their gut that something is not right.  They feel betrayed by what happened in 2008 and they can’t get past that fear,” Bush said.  

“Unfortunately if you never invest, you miss out on the opportunity to grow your wealth.”

Bush recommends the following three steps to get over any hesitation or fear:

  • Open your statement and look at it.

Bush believes people need to get their heads out of the sand and understand clearly where their money is invested and how it is performing.

  • Choose a strategic model for your portfolio and get a plan on paper.

Bush compares choosing a strategic model for your portfolio to looking out an airplane window at fields below planted in a number of different crops. Deciding on your strategic model is the same as setting the boundaries for each field and deciding what will be invested or planted – domestic stocks, international stocks, corporate bonds, government securities etc.

  • Act on your plan.

 Call your advisor, sit down and go over your plan.  According to Bush, people should expect their advisor to proactively communicate with them.

Sound investing is based on consistent, fundamental decisions, not emotion according to Bush.  “I’m a big baseball fan so I talk a lot about hitting singles and doubles and not trying to hit home runs.”

For more information on Bush Wealth Management, call (229) 247-1474 or visit www.bushwealthmanagement.com.

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About Barbara Kieker

Barbara Kieker is a freelance writer who writes on business-related topics for a number of web-based properties. She also provides communications services to Fortune 500 corporations, small businesses and nonprofit organizations.