VSU Student Creates Textbook Trading Platform for Students

Malynda Dorsey

Thursday, September 6th, 2012

Valdosta State University international business student Jebidiah Light has created a trading platform for students to buy and sell their used textbooks online. 

Established in 2011, Jebbles.com is accessible to students who attend colleges and universities throughout the nation. Through the site, a student can identify the institution he or she attends and find used textbooks that are for sale by other students. 

“It works like Craigslist,” said Light. “Students can click on different areas of study and access books that other students at their university are selling. They can also post books that they have for sale.” 

Students can only find books at the college or university they attend. Like Craigslist, sellers remain anonymous. The site allows potential buyers to send sellers messages to express interest in a book. 

“Our main goal is for this service to help students, so we strongly suggest that students meet to buy and sell books in public places,” Light added. 

Jebbles.com was developed by Light with assistance from Piyush Parate, software developer and Light’s former classmate from the University of Georgia. Light and Parate are currently working on a revamp of the site, which will include an RSS feed.

“From a technology standpoint, we want to make sure that use of the site is as simple and efficient as possible, “ said Parate, who has been assisting Light since early 2012. “The revamp will ensure that the site is compatible with all new technology. With the change in framework, we can easily make enhancements when necessary and add external modules in the future.” 

VSU biology student Rebecca Zimler is in charge of marketing the service. For the past year, she has worked with Light to develop Jebbles.com as a brand and promote the service through print collateral and social media. 

So far, Jebbles.com has more than 500 registered users. Membership is and always will be free for students, according to Light. The site also provides students with a space for making suggestions on how to make the service better. 

Light is currently a senior studying international business and economics in the Langdale College of Business Administration. 

“Entrepreneurs are the backbone of the economy,” said Dr. L. Wayne Plumly, dean of the Langdale College of Business Administration. “They provide the vast majority of jobs. It is very encouraging when one of your students comes up with a creative idea and is willing to take a risk.” 

Upon graduation, Light plans to attend law school, with an ultimate goal of practicing international corporate law. 

For more information about the textbook trading service, visit www.Jebbles.com .