About Doug Robinson
Authored 17 articles.
Talk to the Hand, Cause the Face Ain’t Listenin’
Features, May 01, 2014
When I was in the fourth grade, I had a crush on Jill. It was a one-sided relationship, but as Valentine’s Day came closer I decided the best way to wow her was to walk to Lintner’s Drugstore and buy her a heart-shaped box of Russell Stover chocolates. It took about 6 weeks allowance to be able to afford that purchase, but to me Jill was worth it.
Buying is a Sensual Activity
Features, February 11, 2014
I once heard Ken Blanchard (the One Minute Manager author) tell a story about Sheldon Bowles, a Canadian entrepreneur who decided to go against the self service gas trend back in 1970 by creating a full service franchise in western Canada called Domo Gas.
Should You Consider an Accountability Partner?
Features, January 17, 2014
When people, especially salespeople, are left to their own devices, they lack consistency and succumb to their own emotional performance roller coaster, operating more by default than by design. Hence, consider bringing in an accountability partner.
Doug Robinson on “Making Your List and Checking it Twice”
Features, December 06, 2013
As your humble monthly contributor, I would like to suggest a great Christmas or holiday gift that would be very relevant and appreciated by your salespeople, customer service reps, or technicians/installers. For ten years, while facilitating workshops and training classes for sales and customer service reps and sales managers, I repeatedly heard many of the participants encourage me to put my thoughts on paper and publish a book. After hearing this mantra regularly for several years, I decided to go for it, and listed, “write a book” on my bucket list.
Doug Robinson Asks: “What Do You Do?”
Features, November 14, 2013
As you make the daily rounds in your profession I’m sure you are used to hearing this question regularly. You really ought to think about how you should respond, knowing that you will only have a very narrow time window to highlight your business to others.
Doug Robinson on Transforming Customer Complaints into New Sales
Features, October 10, 2013
Having been married for over 35 years, I live by the mantra that “I don’t want to be right, I want to be happy.” And I know that when my honey isn’t happy, nobody is happy! In sales, being right and wrong gets trumped by something else; it’s the perception of the customer that matters most. Keeping the customer satisfied and happy is paramount.
Doug Robinson: Great Salespeople Aren’t Born…They’re Good Storytellers
Features, September 11, 2013
When your employees sell your products and services, do they jump into a presentation of nuts and bolts to explain how it works, or do they tell success stories?
Doug Robinson: Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
Features, August 09, 2013
Salespeople continually hear the mantra, practice makes perfect, but that’s not really true. As the title above emphasizes, it’s perfect practice that makes perfect, underscoring the fact that not just any practice will do.
How Seamless is Your Company?
Features, July 12, 2013
In this months article, Doug Robinson examines what type of employees are found in today's marketplace, and what you can do to make your company and employees more seamless.
Your Attitude in Life Determines Your Altitude in Life
Features, June 10, 2013
Your attitude is how you look at life and the way it looks back at you. Doug Robinson this month relates a story to the sales process, and gives a take away to help you and your team share the same outlook and optimism.
Facing the Firing Squad: Speaking Before a Group
Features, May 20, 2013
Jerry Seinfeld once said, “According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Does that seem right? That means to the average person, if you have to go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” If you make your living as a salesperson, you will eventually reach the place where you need to speak before groups, either in boardrooms or ballrooms. So let’s wake up and smell the coffee in preparation for that fateful day.
Has Your Sales Team Met Their New Best Friend?
Features, April 25, 2013
This month local sales trainer and author Doug Robinson talks about asking questions and how “You will question your way into many more sales than you will ever talk yourself into.”
Having Trouble Coaching “Sherlock the Sales Rep”?
Features, March 07, 2013
This month local sales trainer and author Doug Robinson offers some comments to help you better manage Sherlock, your omnipresent sales guy. Certainly you are thankful for this senior, albeit anal, member on your sales team. You know who I’m talking about.
Doug Robinson on How to Start Dreaming Again in Business
Features, February 07, 2013
Valdosta CEO Contributor, sales trainer, and author Doug Robinson has another excerpt to share from his book “ Sell is NOT a Four Letter Word”. Just for grins and giggles, stop thinking with your brain and start thinking with your heart... right now. Whether you call this using your imagination or just dreaming, this is the inspiration for winning, and can show measurable results in just 30 days!
A Goal without a Plan is Just a Dream
Features, January 08, 2013
Valdosta CEO Contributor Doug Robinson shares another excerpt from his book "Sell is NOT a Four Letter Word." In this installment, as we enter 2013 and a new sales year unfolds, goal setting takes center stage once again for salespeople.
Why You Should Never Assume in Sales…
Features, December 14, 2012
Valdosta CEO Contributor Doug Robinson shares another excerpt from his book "Sell is NOT a Four Letter Word." In this installment, he talks about how sales related occupations should beware the danger of assuming.
If at First You Don’t Succeed, You’re About Average
Features, November 30, 2012
Having witnessed our Buster Posey and the Giants sweep the 2012 World Series last month, Valdosta CEO contributor Doug Robinson shares the following excerpt from his recently-released book, “Sell is NOT a Four Letter Word."